Dear Mother, Father God and Great Spirit Within,
You are the Mother of all Mothers, Creator of all things seen and unseen, from the smallest seed to the expansive Universe that surrounds me. You are the Nurturer and the Giver of Life. You are to be held in reverence as you are the sustenance that keeps everything alive.
I know you as The Heavenly Father, the Great Protector. You are Wisdom. You are the Order of this world and the Keeper of Time. You grant me Peace, Grace, Abundance and Joy. Holy Spirit my sweet Guide, You show Your Divine Self to me in all forms, within all Beings of Life and You are Life Itself. You are Perfection. You are the Breath that I breathe. I feel you when the wind so gently touches my cheek and I hear you when the breeze moves the trees in perfect unison.
Dear Father /Mother God, I Am as You are. I feel you moving through me, using me as a vessel as a Divine Representation of You. I feel Your Creative Genius coursing through my veins as a gentle nudge in the direction that is in perfect and harmonious alignment with You. I have a deep knowing of Your Love as it is Unconditional and You only want the best for me. You have bestowed upon me unique Divine Gifts and entrusted me to be a beacon for others and for this I am so grateful.
Holy Mother Giver of Life, I give you thanks and praise to for all that I Am. Dearest Father above, I am grateful for all the gifts that you have provided me so I can manifest the life and career as a Shaman and Spiritual Life Coach aligning with my True Being by doing Your Will here on Earth. I am indebted to you for the Abundance and Joy I already have, and what I know is coming in Your Divine Time. I am Ready Holy Spirit, I am Willing Holy Spirit, and I am Prepared for Your Plan for my life. Please show me how.
I Ask and God Becomes, I Let it Be, and So it Is! ~AHO